Your Belief Superpower
One of my greatest teachers literally trotted into my life at the age of 7. Her name was Caroline, and she was a black and white Shetland pony and not one with the finest pedigree. She was nevertheless the manifestation of my biggest dream at the time, and very much the consequence of my parent’s good will (and limited sense of what it would take to have a horse in the backyard!)
Caroline became a big and cherished part of my childhood and thereby an important character in my personal story. Without knowing, she helped me lay the foundation of my values and build key competencies at an early stage in life. Anyone who has ever come across a Shetland pony will be familiar with the typical nature of these rather strong-willed characters, and Caroline was certainly no exception!
So, there is of course a great story to be told about how this tiny furry creature was pushing my limits and helped me build and understand the importance of resiliency. But the most profound impact of her presence in my life was the fact that she was my first real encounter with the power of belief and the chance of great dreams coming true.
A famous quote by Buddha goes:
What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.
As a strong believer of the power of the mind, I know this to be true. Not just because of Caroline and other (both great and also less desirable!) things happening to me since. But because I get to witness how this works first-hand in my work with people. Being aware of the focus of your attention is essential to why my coaching approach is always rooted in two key questions: Who are you? And: What do you want more of in your life? The emotional intention and energy we attach to something we wish to happen is powerful beyond measure, and the clarity and direction that comes from this kind of knowledge can be life-changing.
The challenging part of dealing with the future perspective of life is to trust the process and to let go of one’s attachment to the outcome. Like any germination process, the creation of something new typically starts out at a stage where you not only have to make space for the change to occur but have to do so without any signs of effect yet. It is the stage where you have to rely on the power of positive expectation, and where hope comes in; as faith in something, we can’t (yet) see.
Taking this approach to personal development and change not only requires some degree of imagination. It also relies on a surplus of energy and where the question of balance is central. Your beliefs, and the way you process your thoughts, translate into words and actions shaping your daily path and ultimately your life journey. With your desires and intentions being the north star guiding your journey, your sense of balance is the power going into your space rocket. Good news is that we can all work on both!
By spending time developing awareness of who you are, and what is important to your personal well-being gives you clarity in the way you perceive yourself as well as the signals you are sending to the outside world. We do this by working on nurturing the connection to our inner knowing. Both medical and motivational studies show how the brain and body typically align to your beliefs and intentions as an indication of the unlimited potential you have for improving different areas of your life.
It is much easier to believe and trust when everything is going well. But life is also full of bumps and challenging times where it is easy to lose faith in your plans, in yourself and in people around you. I clearly recognize this from my own path, and I am sure you do too. But understanding what brings you back in balance empowers you to take on the challenges, and helps you focus and act on the right things. We do this by working on understanding what brings peace to your mind, what increases the agility and strength of your body and what brings joy to your spirit.
During the holiday season, and one the brink of a new year, let’s remember that there are few things we can do entirely on our own. So why not share our journey by supporting each other in staying focused on things of importance and encouraging the decisive actions it takes to fulfill the intentions and goals we set?
Warm Wishes,